Bøger,Kulturliv,Forbrug med omtanke, Bibliotker, Boglader.
onsdag den 3. april 2013
Zabelle af Nancy Kricorian.
En armensk pige overlever, som den eneste af hendes famile, det armenske folkemord. Hun ender med at blive giftet bort til en ældre armensk herre i USA.
Der har hun daglige kampe med hendes svigermor, og kæmper for at få en smule personlig frihed.
Jeg er lidt forbløffet over at en historie der i høj grad handler om husarbejde og andre kvindelige sysler fastholdt min interesse og at jeg endte med at syntes ganske godt om bogen.
Nancy Kricorian
From the Author
From Wikipedia
Nancy Kricorian is the author of the novels ZABELLE and DREAMS OF BREAD AND FIRE, both published by Grove/Atlantic, and ALL THE LIGHT THERE WAS, published in March 2013 by Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt. Kricorian grew up in the Armenian community of Watertown, Massachusetts, and earned her undergraduate degree in Comparative Literature at Dartmouth College; she spent the following year studying semiotics at the University of Paris-Jussieu. After completing a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry at Columbia University, Kricorian taught at Yale, Rutgers, Barnard and Queens Colleges. She subsequently worked for ten years as a literary scout for foreign publishers, and since 2003 has been on the staff of CODEPINK Women for Peace. She lives in New York City with her family
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